Why taking your meds is critical to your health
KR Admin2016-02-29T13:36:39-08:00Blog|
What exactly is Medication Compliance and why is it so important to ones health and well being? <iframe width="500" height="375" src="https://www online collaboration.youtube.com/embed/ULKFmDc-Wmo?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Medication compliance (or adherence) simply means sticking to your prescription. Adhering to medication is taking the medication as directed by a health care professional – [...]
VIDEO: Heart Healthy Tips
KR Admin2016-02-18T13:23:40-08:00Blog|
https://youtu.be/w_RDjFEZuNs February is Heart Healthy Month, so here is a great opportunity to learn more from both a Virginia Mason Cardiologist and a Kelley-Ross Pharmacist.
VIDEO: In-Home Medication Coaching
KR Admin2016-02-18T13:07:06-08:00Blog, Medication Management|
https://youtu.be/ohHjrjHOUdo For a growing amount of our population, medications can be overwhelming, and even scary at times - particularly when a patient takes a myriad of medications for differing health issues. Our concierge-style approach to medication management is quite literally changing the way people understand, appreciate and take their [...]
The History Of Our Naloxone Program
KR Admin2016-02-01T15:28:53-08:00Blog|
Learn more about the history and reasons behind our entry into the world of Naloxone and why we continue to want to saves lives. https://youtu.be/3o1dtZZyosA More at: kelley-ross.com/polyclinic/naloxone/
Clinical Pharmacy Group Residency Program
KR Admin2016-01-10T13:53:05-08:00Blog|
Here is your chance to learn more about the Kelley-Ross Pharmacy Group Residency Program, and why we think “It Rocks”! More at: <a href="https://www.kelley-ross team collaboration.com/cpi/cprp/">kelley-ross.com/cpi/cprp/
So You Want To Be A Pharmacist?
KR Admin2016-01-04T11:40:10-08:00#FaceOfPharmacy, Blog, Health Care, Pharmacy, Residency Program, Student Pharmacist|
Pharmacist in Training <Blog Series> There are many varied paths to become a pharmacist. Historically, most pharmacists have had one of two degrees: Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.). Since the late 1990s, the Pharm.D. has been considered standard by most in order to practice in the United [...]