New Program Grant to Reduce Hospital Readmissions
KR Admin2016-08-23T13:51:14-07:00Blog, Health Care, Pharmacy|
<img class="Inset alignright wp-image-10254 size-medium" src=" description.18-PM-300x127.png" alt="Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 1.50.18 PM" width="300" height="127" srcset=" 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1574w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" />A successful pilot program designed to reduce hospital readmissions with Virginia Mason heart failure patients has received a two-year, $100,000 grant from the Cardinal [...]
VIDEO: Is It Too Late To Get A Flu Shot In February?
KR Admin2016-02-07T12:40:33-08:00Flu Shots, Health Care|
February is still a great month to receive a flu shot - Try our Kelley-Ross Pharmacy at The Polyclinic: 904 7th Ave, Suite 103 or 206.324.6990
So You Want To Be A Pharmacist?
KR Admin2016-01-04T11:40:10-08:00#FaceOfPharmacy, Blog, Health Care, Pharmacy, Residency Program, Student Pharmacist|
Pharmacist in Training <Blog Series> There are many varied paths to become a pharmacist. Historically, most pharmacists have had one of two degrees: Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.). Since the late 1990s, the Pharm.D. has been considered standard by most in order to practice in the United [...]
Debunking Pharmacy Myths
KR Admin2015-12-31T11:51:32-08:00#FaceOfPharmacy, Health Care, Pharmacy, Residency Program, Student Pharmacist|
“What is it that you do again…?” Blog by Aimee Cooke My own mother doesn’t know what I do. As I am in the midst of my last year of pharmacy school, I would have hoped that my mother might know more by now. The fact that she doesn’t tells me [...]
Press: This Seattle pharmacy makes house calls to cut down return visits to hospital
KR Admin2015-12-09T09:35:39-08:00Aging, Drugs, Health Care, Pharmacy|
Here is a great article on “staying connected with patients about taking their pills can play a significant role in keeping health care costs down” from the Puget Sound Business Journal. http://www wikipedia