Making Shots Fun for Kids [Video]
KR Admin2016-10-12T11:02:23-07:00#FaceOfPharmacy, Ask The Pharmacist, Flu Shots, Pharmacy, Technology|
[vc_row type="grid" video_bg="" is_fss_bg="no"][vc_column dp_animation=""][vc_video link=""][vc_column_text dp_animation=""](Generally), none of us like getting shots, and if you are a parent, you know this is even more amplified when it comes to kids. However, shots don't have to be scary - watch, as we share one of the most affective distraction techniques [...]
New Program Grant to Reduce Hospital Readmissions
KR Admin2016-08-23T13:51:14-07:00Blog, Health Care, Pharmacy|
<img class="Inset alignright wp-image-10254 size-medium" src=" description.18-PM-300x127.png" alt="Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 1.50.18 PM" width="300" height="127" srcset=" 300w, 768w, 1024w, 1574w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" />A successful pilot program designed to reduce hospital readmissions with Virginia Mason heart failure patients has received a two-year, $100,000 grant from the Cardinal [...]
So You Want To Be A Pharmacist?
KR Admin2016-01-04T11:40:10-08:00#FaceOfPharmacy, Blog, Health Care, Pharmacy, Residency Program, Student Pharmacist|
Pharmacist in Training <Blog Series> There are many varied paths to become a pharmacist. Historically, most pharmacists have had one of two degrees: Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.). Since the late 1990s, the Pharm.D. has been considered standard by most in order to practice in the United [...]
Debunking Pharmacy Myths
KR Admin2015-12-31T11:51:32-08:00#FaceOfPharmacy, Health Care, Pharmacy, Residency Program, Student Pharmacist|
“What is it that you do again…?” Blog by Aimee Cooke My own mother doesn’t know what I do. As I am in the midst of my last year of pharmacy school, I would have hoped that my mother might know more by now. The fact that she doesn’t tells me [...]
Student Pharmacist Spotlight #2
KR Admin2015-12-15T14:47:55-08:00#FaceOfPharmacy, Pharmacy, Residency Program, Student Pharmacist|
Ask ten pharmacists why they do what they do, and you will get at least ten different answers. What you won’t hear is “I like to count by 5’s” or “I want to stand behind a counter and look down on people.” This recurring blog feature shines a light on [...]
Press: This Seattle pharmacy makes house calls to cut down return visits to hospital
KR Admin2015-12-09T09:35:39-08:00Aging, Drugs, Health Care, Pharmacy|
Here is a great article on “staying connected with patients about taking their pills can play a significant role in keeping health care costs down” from the Puget Sound Business Journal. http://www wikipedia
Student Pharmacist Spotlight #1
KR Admin2015-12-01T11:50:56-08:00#FaceOfPharmacy, Pharmacy, Residency Program, Student Pharmacist|
Ask ten pharmacists why they do what they do, and you will get at least ten different answers. What you won’t hear is “I like to count by 5’s” or “I want to stand behind a counter and look down on people.” This recurring blog feature shines a light on [...]
One-Step PrEP® HIV Prevention Pilot Program Findings
KR Admin2015-11-30T10:28:05-08:00CDC, HIV/AIDS, Pharmacy, PrEP|
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT Heidi Happonen 206.915.7551 (cell) Seattle Pharmacy Releases Findings for One-Step PrEP® HIV Prevention Pilot Program Kelley-Ross Pharmacy Group proves model for delivering pharmacy-direct PrEP service to at-risk HIV community; presents findings at CDC National HIV Prevention Symposium [...]