Don’t think twice about PEP
Post-exposure prophylaxis (or PEP) is a way to prevent HIV infection after a possible recent exposure. PEP involves taking antiretroviral (ARV) medications, or antiretroviral therapy (ART), within 72 hours after a single high-risk event to help prevent HIV from making copies of itself and spreading throughout your body. If you think you are at risk, please contact us immediately.

If you are interested in the Kelley-Ross One-Step PEP™ program, click the button below and complete our patient information form. One of our professionals will contact you shortly to schedule an appointment and answer your questions.

What is PEP?
There are 2 types of PEP: oPEP and nPEP. oPEP stands for “occupational post-exposure prophylaxis.” This is when a health care worker takes PEP because of a possible on-the-job exposure to HIV, such as during a needle stick injury. If you are a health care worker who has had an on-the-job exposure to HIV, please contact your employer’s occupational health department or primary care provider immediately.
The other type of PEP is called nPEP, and it stands for “non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis.” This is when someone takes PEP because of a possible HIV exposure that happened during sex or injection drug use. Kelley-Ross Pharmacy Group provides nPEP services through our One-Step PEP program. If you have a recent non-occupational exposure, please contact us immediately to set up an appointment as time is of the essence.
Think About PrEP
PEP is used only in emergency situations – It is not a substitute for regular use of other proven HIV prevention methods, such as PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) which means taking HIV medicines daily to drastically lower your chance of getting infected.
PEP is highly effective, but not 100%, so you should continue to use condoms with sex partners and safe injection practices while taking PEP. These strategies can protect you from being exposed to HIV (and with the use or PrEP), reduce the chances of contracting and/or transmitting HIV to others if you become infected while you’re on PrEP.
Why Kelley-Ross Pharmacy Group?
With PEP, time is of the essence! A single appointment provides screening, counseling, testing and most patients typically pick-up their PEP meds within this visit. We make every effort to get you in and out the door as quickly as possible! Please note, we only take PEP appointment Monday through Friday.
We are discrete, trusted and our team of PEP/PrEP experts are here for you and your health, today and into the future.
Meet The Team
Our Clinical Services Team exemplify the best of the best, working at the top of their license, assuring you the best in patient care. Learn more