It is important to dispose of unwanted or expired medications and remove these from your home to prevent accidental exposure or misuse. Although placing medications directly into the trash is better for our environment than flushing them down the toilet, it is still not recommended. If found in the trash, some medications could be abused by others. Medications are best disposed of through Medication Take-Back Programs. Click here for more information about drop-off locations in King County.

It is important to note that there are a few, specific medications that are high risk for causing potential harm if used by someone other than who it was prescribed for. It is important that these medications be disposed of promptly to keep your family and pets safe from accidental exposure. For this safety reason the FDA has issued a list of flushable medications for immediate disposal. Click here for a complete list of FDA flushable medications.

For at home use, a medication disposal product called DRUGBUSTER is a safe alternative for disposing of medications into the trash and may be a more convenient option for those that do not have a drop-off location in their area. DRUGBUSTER contains a solution that neutralizes and dissolves medications so that it can be safely placed into the regular trash. These may be found at local pharmacies for purchase.

In addition to Medication Take-Back Programs, there are also National Medication Take-Back Days that happen twice annually, once in the spring and fall. On these days there will be additional sites available for removal of old medications and they serve as a great reminder to clean out unwanted or expired medications from your home. Click here to find the dates for these Take-Back Days and more information about the locations available for disposal.

At Kelley-Ross Pharmacy Group, we offer two central locations with Medication Take-Back units – one within our Kelley-Ross Pharmacy at The Polyclinic 904 7th Ave, Suite 103 Seattle, WA 98104 and Kelley-Ross Union Center Pharmacy at 2324 Eastlake Ave E, Suite 405 Seattle, WA 98102.