At risk of contracting Tuberculosis?
If you think you may be at risk for contracting TB, please visit our pharmacy to get a Tuberculin skin test.
This test is performed by a pharmacist placing a small amount of fluid (Tuberculin) under the skin of one’s lower forearm. After receiving the skin test, you will then be seen by our pharmacist within 48-72 hours to read the results of the test by observing any reaction.
This test can be performed in our 7th & Madison pharmacy or upon request, or a pharmacist can travel to your office for large group screenings. Feel free to contact us for details.
For more information, including Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations for who should receive a TB Screening, click here.
Did you know?
The TB skin test was historically called the Mantoux test. It is named after the french doctor Charles Mantoux who invented the test in 1907.