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What is hypoglycemia, and what can I do about it?
Katie Mahan2023-02-23T06:42:31-08:00Ask The Pharmacist|
What is hypoglycemia? Throughout the day, your blood glucose (also called blood sugar) will fluctuate within a certain range depending on various factors. This fluctuation is normal. What is not normal is having the blood sugar fluctuate out of the normal range, either below it or above it. Hypoglycemia, or [...]
Why should people with heart failure avoid NSAIDs?
Katie Mahan2023-02-23T06:45:25-08:00Ask The Pharmacist|
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are some of the most commonly used medications. They help relieve pain, inflammation, and fever. Many NSAIDs are available over the counter, including ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin. However, these widely accessible medications carry many serious, potentially life-threatening risks. For example GI bleeding or [...]
What should I do if my blood pressure is high?
Katie Mahan2023-02-23T06:52:36-08:00Ask The Pharmacist|
Understanding the “silent killer” High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a condition in which the force of the blood against blood vessels is consistently too high. Approximately every 1 in 3 American adults have high blood pressure, but many do not even know they have it. People often refer [...]
What do I need to know about my medications if I have a food allergy?
Katie Mahan2023-02-23T06:55:09-08:00Ask The Pharmacist|
Don’t go nuts over food allergens in your medications! This article will go over the various types of food-based excipients and what the risk is for triggering an allergic reaction. Why does my medication contain extra ingredients? Your medications are composed of two types of components: the active drug and [...]
Don’t Let Sunburn Ruin Your Summer!
Katie Mahan2023-03-31T12:49:54-07:00Ask The Pharmacist|
As the days grow longer and the temperature rises, I tend to find myself wanting to go outside more. As a PNW native, once I see my weather app on my phone say “sunny” I try to plan more outdoor activities. However, with the direct sun, our skins become [...]
Oral Birth Control- What’s the Sitch?
Katie Mahan2023-02-23T06:57:45-08:00Ask The Pharmacist|
How can one of the most widely-used medications be so confusing? Why are there so many kinds and how do they differ from each other? What will make my birth control less effective? These are all questions that many people have asked and pondered about birth control, and sometimes it [...]
Can I drink alcohol with this medicine?
Katie Mahan2023-02-23T06:59:22-08:00Ask The Pharmacist|
Can I drink alcohol with this medication? This is one of the most common questions pharmacists get asked when patients are picking up prescription and over the counter medications. This question is one that pharmacists welcome as we consider patient safety and drug-alcohol interactions. Alcohol can affect how a medicine [...]
6 Things You May Not Know About Community Pharmacies & Pharmacists
Katie Mahan2023-02-23T07:00:41-08:00Ask The Pharmacist, Blog|
You’ve just dropped off your prescription at your local pharmacy and the technician tells you it’s going to take 45 minutes to fill. You look around and there’s only one other person waiting for their prescription, so why is it going to take so long just to fill one medication? [...]
Brain Health Supplements: What Do I Need to Know?
Katie Mahan2023-02-23T07:02:04-08:00Ask The Pharmacist|
There are many over-the-counter products that contain ingredients advertised to improve memory and cognitive function. Some well-known ingredients include apoaequorin (Prevagen®), omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B and E, and ginkgo biloba. Over the years, public interest in brain health supplements has become more widespread, which begs the question: Should I [...]
How Can I Prevent and Treat Medication-Overuse Headaches?
Katie Mahan2023-02-23T21:29:57-08:00Ask The Pharmacist|
When Less is More: Preventing and Treating Medication-Overuse Headaches What are medication overuse headaches? Medication-overuse headaches (MOH), also known as “Rebound headaches”, is defined as when a person with a pre-existing headache disorder (most commonly migraines) experiences headaches on more than 15 days per month while taking at least one [...]