What is “Deprescribing?” Does this mean my healthcare provider wants me to stop my medication?
Katie Mahan2023-02-25T11:12:20-08:00Ask The Pharmacist, Uncategorized|
Question: What is “Deprescribing?” Why does my healthcare provider want me to stop by medication? When you think of a pharmacist, what first comes to mind? Is it learning about a new medication? Is it asking for advice about which over-the-counter medicine you should use? You may be surprised when [...]
What is Sarcopenia?
KR Admin2023-02-25T11:45:59-08:00Uncategorized|
Aging - we all do it. And, unfortunately, as we age our biology changes. This may include weakened eyesight, decreased hearing abilities and a general loss of muscle mass. Fortunately, not all aging symptoms are inevitable. Though commonly found in adults over 65 accelerated muscle loss diagnosed as sarcopenia, may [...]
PrEP services at your local pharmacy
KR Admin2017-02-17T14:01:04-08:00News, Uncategorized|
BETA(blog.org) recently reported from the 2017 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) conference held in Seattle, WA. Our very own, Elyse Tung, PharmD BCACP (Director of Clinical Services: Pharmacy at the Polyclinic) shared our “One-Step PrEP” model to the worldwide audience. Learn more about our Collaborative Drug Therapy Agreement (CDTA) and how our [...]
Alternative Ways to Give Your Cat Medicine
KR Admin2017-02-15T13:43:43-08:00News, Uncategorized|
"Pet owners are total “scaredy cats” when it comes to giving their feline friends medication. As a pharmacist who specializes in veterinary compounding, I talk to worried clients with sick cats every day. And I get your fears! You want to ensure your beloved cat gets the best treatment possible, [...]
Get Ready For Flu Season [Video]
KR Admin2016-09-20T09:27:50-07:00Uncategorized|
We wish we could enjoy Summer all year around, but as the seasons change and Fall approaches, we need to get prepared for flu season - visit your local pharmacist or swing by our Polyclinic location (904 7th Ave Suite 103 Seattle) and our pharmacy team will hook you up. https://youtu.be/VZ2BThq3_8I [...]
Virginia Mason and Kelley-Ross Transitions of Care Success [Video]
KR Admin2016-06-27T15:28:22-07:00Uncategorized|
We love our partners, and Virginia Mason Medical Center is no exception. We invited Anne Casey, FAACVPR: Administrative Director Heart Institute, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Transplant, to chat more about our partnership and the HUGE successes we have seen to date. https://youtu.be/PVmTwbTXd1Q
The Future of Pharmacy
KR Admin2016-04-25T10:52:06-07:00Uncategorized|
We were recently invited to be part of a great conversation at Seattle Rotary 4. The presentation was on the 'Future Of Pharmacy' and included: Dr. Jeff Rochon (WSPA CEO), Dr. Jenny Bacci (UW School of Pharmacy Assistant Professor), Dr. Amanda Bishop (Virginia Mason Medical Center Practice Coordinator), Prof. Don [...]