We would like to welcome and congratulate Katie Mahan, PharmD Candidate 2017 from Washington State University, who has been selected as our 2017-2018 Community Practice Resident.

Katie comes to Kelley-Ross from Eastern Washington, where she has worked for various pharmacies and wellness centers providing care for patients.

Katie grew up in Maple Valley, Washington and will graduate in May, 2017 with her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Washington State University. As a student, Katie completed her coursework in the honors program at WSU, completing a research project developing a tool for home health workers to identify medication related problems in the home.  During her time at WSU, Katie has served as president of the WSU chapter for the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP), secretary for the Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society, and was the student representative for the Ambulatory Care Academy with the Washington State Pharmacy Association (WSPA).

Katie will likely start her training at Kelley-Ross starting around the end of May, and officially begin the Residency year July 1st, 2017 and conclude June 30th, 2018.

As we continue to provide a high-quality and innovative practice environment, we are excited to have another outstanding resident to advance our profession. We look forward to a fantastic resident year!

As we continue to provide a high-quality and innovative practice environment, we are excited to have another outstanding resident to advance our profession.  We look forward to a fantastic resident year!

If you are interested in learning more about our Community Pharmacy Residency Program, click here.